Friday, April 28, 2006

A Look at Trees

Shade Tree

The Tree Over Me

Now That's Texture

Maples and Cherries

The Old Tree

Snow Clouds and Sweetgum Balls


Bamboo Bridge at Sunset

Dogwood Moon


Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Few Old Drawings

Sometimes art seems timeless, like love. But both can fade away. I've seen this happen to both. The truth is only one thing is timeless, God's love and grace. These drawings have so far survived and seen God's grace, to allow them to stick around.

The Old Tree Near the Sea

Infinite Drawings


At Samford University

Grand Chapel



Chapel Under the Moon

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Starters: a few pics to wet the appetite

Pictured below (1st post): Overlooking Homewood-taken from Vestavia Hills Baptist Church

Crape Myrtles
Blue Flower on Bank

*I must note that image quality is not as good when loading pictures to blogs. They are sharper in person.

What I Dream To Do

Many of you know that I am in search of a new career. I have thought long and intensely about that career. Since January, when I got my new digital camera, I haven't hardly put the thing down. At least, that's the way it seems at times. The past few months have given me time to produce some awesome and some not-so-awesome pictures, over 1,500 of them. I have spent the day today cleaning my apartment and sifting through all of those pictures on my computer to pick the best, or at least my favorites ones, to begin a portfolio. After all this and hitting a great photography resource sight I realized what I want to work for as a career. If you haven't figured it out yet... it's PHOTOGRAPHY! Yes, I may not get to it right away, but it can all begin with the hobby and practice, then some education, then who knows.

I created this sight to begin that journey. The goal is to share what I see in life, in God's creation and beauty, and maybe other's lives along the way. Occasionally I may throw in a post of recent art projects of mine or even a friend's photographic work, with their permission of course. There are many areas of photography to explore, but at the moment I am most interested in landscape and nature photography. I will certainly also take photo's of many other people, places, things, and events. I will continue to post thoughts, writings, and rantings on my older blog, and an occasional picture; this will be my main outlet for photography.

I hope you all enjoy what you see. However, my main focus is to glorify God. So, don't worry friends and family, no I will not have nudes here or something crazy like that. If you would like to make comments about the photos or collections or art works please feel free to do so. Keep it clean and stay with constructive criticism please. What you say won't discourage me, even if you are rude. I'm more concerned about my own and God's views. But I do like to hear your opinions and comments, and if you are a professional photographer remember I am not and have not yet taken any training in this venture. All that being said:

ENJOY! This is what I dream to do!!!
